I played that game with Piggy that
Speedy often plays with me. I ran all over Jerrath, making Piggy
chase me and find me. He's pretty good at the game. Though there was
one time I doubled back real quick and hid behind a building. He ran
right past me. He then used our magical bond to call out to me and
ask me where I was. I answered him out loud that I didn't know where
I was. He knew that since I could answer out loud I was close by. It
was a fun game.
• Most posts on this blog are roleplaying journal pages from various characters in various games.
• This blog is mostly about MMOs, but others game are mentioned time to time.
• Not all posts are in character, occasionally Kehle will tell a funny story that happened OOC or tell you her thoughts on various game related topics.
• This blog is image heavy.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Saturday, May 24, 2003
Jerrath: May 24

Friday, May 23, 2003
Jerrath: May 23
Today Kael was hanging around so his
devoted followers could mob him some more. He's a strange one. One of
the crowd asked him why he was purple. I made the offhanded comment
it was to excite me. Kael agreed that was his reason. Skitz heard
this and decided he too needed to be purple. Those silly dragons
teasing a simple girl like me. . . I know I don't really call that
much attention to myself or get noticed by such as dragon gods. I'm
just a normal looking boulder.

Thursday, May 22, 2003
Jerrath: May 22

Someone that was having more trouble in
the real world than in my dreams is Kael. Never in my wildest Beta
dreams did I ever imagine him being mobbed so by devoted followers.
He is a much kinder and more patient dragon than the rumors suggest.
I fear that if I were him I'd have become enraged by the mob at it's
start. He never seemed mad at all. I know because I followed from a
distance. I am a herpetologist after all and dragons are reptiles
too. I had to study his behavior and take notes. I hung back with
Speedy and Skitz. In fact Speedy said he feared Skitz would feel left
out, for he too is a dragon god, but was not being followed by a mob.
So, Speedy and I mobbed Skitz to make him feel better.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Jerrath: May 14

Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Jerrath: May 13
It was one of those strange days again.
It all started out just fine. I hung out with Ciara and some others
in Menath where I did a little training. I went back to the inn and
hung out with Draub some as well. The day started normal enough. But
then I looked over into the pool of water in front of The Inn and saw
that the huge bolder there could move. I then found out it wasn't a
rock at all, but was Zimfier. I can't really remember the events all
that well. Magic Dude showed up and turned himself into a rock as
well with his dragon powers. Booty came by and asked me to go back to
her place, but I told her I wanted to stay and watch the rocks. Next
thing I know Booty and I as rocks are trapped in the pool of water.
I had this strange feeling Booty had been killing people earlier and
knew they needed to be avenged. I pommeled myself into her until she
crushed into many pieces.
Zim tried to get Booty and I to sit on
a cliff near the Inn as rocks. However I knew that spot to be poorly
protected and often overran by murderers and cut throats. I fled. Zim
warped me back. I ran again. Again he warped me back and tried to
tell me to stay. I tried to obey, but someone came by with a rock
crusher, so I ran . . er rolled away again.

Monday, May 12, 2003
Jerrath: May 12
Today was a day like any other. Speedy
ran to hide, and I had to go hunt him down. I hung out with friends
and did little to no training at all. Speedy seems to be getting
upset with me for not training, but I just don't like to sit around
all day killing things or people. Doesn't anyone else think that's a
bit mean and evil?

Sunday, May 11, 2003
Jerrath: May 11
Another day of sitting around with
friends who ask me silly things like why I don't train more. Silly
people. Life isn't just about killing ya know?
The dream world of Beta was pretty much
the same. Only since I was The Evil I did more than just talk. I cast
a few spells and even swung a sword or two. It's odd, but when I
dream I'm The Evil I know a bit more about swords and I'm stronger,
both defensively and offensively. I wake up and feel weaker. Then I
remember my magic is stronger in the real world, when I'm awake than
it is when I'm dreaming I'm The Evil.

As The Evil I joined the Holy Order. A special group
that devotes it's time to spreading the word about the dragon gods
and doing their deeds. Unfortunately for Monkey, the Holy Order I
joined as The Evil was for Magic Dude. Everyone knows he's evil and
wishes the death of all sword monkeys everywhere. Die sword monkey,
die!! The Evil is the manifested physical essence of the wrath of all
women everywhere.
Saturday, May 10, 2003
Jerrath: May 10

Before I won a room to sleep in Ruthie
was one of the few who slept out at the campfire near The Inn with
me. I had taken to calling her my room mate, despite there was no
room to share at the campfire. Ruthie is a good friend and a decent
person. In our younger days we were a bit wild and reckless. We stole
our shares of kills and picked up our share of other peoples' hard
earned trophies. We may have even looted a peer or two. We were
young, so we never got more than a handful of gold and a cap from it.
If we were really lucky we might find a flail that wasn't broken too
much. Ah, those were the days. . . wouldn't wish them back. But it's
good to think back on your past and to reflect on how you've grown as
a person and to know you are wiser for everything that happened to
you, good or bad.

Friday, May 9, 2003
Jerrath: May 9

Jerrath: May 9
The day started out in Menath today.
I'm there a lot. I think I might move there one day. It's a nice
little place. Piggy -called such because he's a pig- came to me, but
then he started in on how he wanted to kill me. I tried to give him
away. I tried to sell him. I yelled at people who thought they could
take him for free. I'd only claim to give my familiar to a friend for
free. Though no one seemed to realize you can't just end the bond
between familiar and enchantress that easily. It's a magical bond.
Piggy likes to threaten me and Ciara. I just ask someone to scare him
for me or threaten to feed him to a friend. Sometimes these things
get him to acting right again, sometimes they don't. Pigs are odd
familiars to have anyway, and I guess this is why you don't hear of
more magic users with them. They turn on you so fast. . .
I went to Hemlock for the first time
today. Piggy had a very hard time finding me. He used our magical
connection to call out to me, asking me where I was. I told him where
I was, but wouldn't tell him how to find me. Mashi found me however
and we ran around Hemlock and it's surrounding area. It was just
another one of those times where it doesn't really matter what I'm
doing, because I'm doing it with a friend. It was a pleasant day.
Piggy did manage to make his way
Hemlock and even found Mashi and myself. The three of us didn't do
all that much. We just sat around and talked, joked, and had a good
time just being friends. Some days go pretty well in Jerrath. I live
for days like this.
Thursday, May 8, 2003
Jerrath: May 8

Wednesday, May 7, 2003
Jerrath: May 7

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