Things were going alright for a bit until a guest to Whirled came by. At first the guest kept saying, “kittyyoukissdaboy.” And I wasn’t sure if he was saying, Kitty, you kissed a boy, or Kitty you kissed the boy. I decided I’d go with the first and agreed that I have in fact in my life kissed a boy. He then told me, “kittyyoukillme” to which I responded that I couldn’t kill him, because he was a ghost and already dead. So he went back to trying to tell me I’ve kissed boys.
Bonedevil came by to also play bingo right about the time I started laying into the little troll guest and reported him. He thought he was safe because he’s a guest, but he doesn’t always stop the ban. Account bans are not the only type. The rules say to warn first and let them stop on their own before complaining him, and I did that. I always give them a second chance on account they may just be children.
Bonedevil and I decided to leave Bingo behind us and go play some Corpse Craft. He’s much better at it than I am, but gave me several pointers that will probably help me in the future.
After that we went to visit his friend Starsania at her house. She was decorating in her kitchen when we found her, but we wandered through the rest of her house as well and made ourselves at home in the living room. We were gonna hide until she got home, but I’m not sure how that went as I fell asleep (went afk.)
Later in the day we went to Bonedevil’s new dance hall. He has walls and floors that react to the music and we helped him pick out a good dance tune. Garchomp, Starsania, and Rawr joined us there for a little dance party. Then we went avatar changing crazy.
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