Several guests showed up during that time, arriving through the blog. Thanks everyone for reading. I hope you enjoy the blog.
Latter in the evening I went to the main vampire hang out in my new look and with my new name. Met a girl called Ginslpice that looked a lot like I had when I went by Kitty. Kitty was my living name, now that I’m undead I felt I needed something a little darker. And I wanted to be easier to find. Had several nice chats, first with Ginsplice and Auntie Vlad Dracul. We had some nice girl talk about hair colors, outfits and that sort of thing.
I also met a couple of nice gentlemen and we had a nice conversation about the economy of Whirled and making stuff for Whirled. Then a couple of statics came in. I couldn’t understand them though and commented that I probably needed to be ten or drunk to understand them. I was then after called either Purple Head or Meanie Head. They turned out to just be a couple of nice kids. Mislead into thinking slutty is sexy, but that’s not their fault. My maternal instincts kick in and I want to protect them, but sometimes come off too strong and sound mean. I also was bleeping static avatars all night, so they’re not shown in all the shots.
Oh, and I got a new vampire child. He fed off me a lot, but I’m not sure how active he’s going to be. His name is aceofspades. I wonder if he knows he can capitalize his name and separate the words with spaces?
Ran into a nice little bug or something however when I couldn’t access My Stuff. First I kept being told my session had expired to log in. I did that several times and then I was told access was denied. I just wanted to upload another tree house. Right about the time I was finally going to contact someone about it, it cleared up. I had restarted my browser, my computer, and gotten rid of my cookies, but none of that seemed to work and then the problem was suddenly gone.
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