Shade told her she’d fed her fish, but they were dead when she got there. Fish have an amazing respawning ability though, so it’s alright.
Moonshade then heard of a vampire bar that was open and being ran by someone called Animemonster. She went to try it out and saw her friend the Contessa Mallorie Le Sangoire there.
She also saw a big gray kitty but when she tried to pet the kitty, it fled. Mallorie soon followed the kitty, and Moonshade followed Mallorie.
Shade found herself at Silk’s place. Silk had a lot of company so Shade was sure she’d be able to mix with the crowd and no one would notice she was crashing their party. While she was there she saw Ragbeard and became alarmed. It appears as if she didn’t get him out of the desert sun quick enough.
Moonshade blended with the crowd wonderfully and everyone had a good time feeding on everyone else. Then her sire walked in. She had no idea her sire knew this group of people and decided she’d chosen very well indeed on sires. She was comfortable enough in the crowd by then to walk up to Fox and thank him for the unlife. Though it had escaped her mind that the last time she saw Fox she was a blonde girl named Kitty. She didn’t talk to him that first time anyway, only fed and fled as so many fresh bloods do.
Fox departed to get some rest and Shade stayed behind to continue to feed on her new friends. They were doing well and maintaining most the spots on the leader board, so she was well pleased with herself.
She took a little break to go see if she could find a nice patio or chair or something to put in the Tree House Village for when she wants to sit so she doesn’t have to sit on the sign. While trying out a patio (that still needs improvement) Bella stopped by.
Moonshade then went to Ragbeard’s crypt where some more feeding was going on and she joined in on that as well. That is where she learned she was no longer one of the best feeders of the day and try as she might she didn’t make it back up there among the top feeders.
Moonshade’s vampire children were also out in the Whirled feeding. She could feel energy from them.
Moonshade returned to Silk’s place to see if the party was still going on and indeed it was. Some of the people had changed, but the location remained the same.
Shade commented that Moogie looked more like a hitman than a lawyer because of the gloves he was wearing and asked him if he had a gun in his jacket. He did.
The night ended with some playing of Wordsketch with scribble. It was the first time Moonshade had played but she had a lot of fun and will probably do so a
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