
Sunday, April 13, 2003

Jerrath: April 13

     Today was a day like any other. Well maybe a little quiet compared to the kind of day I'd had on the 10th. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today, but then again almost everything is out of the ordinary in Jerrath. I mean it is the world of endless twilight where the sun never set, nor rises. We're stuck forever in a state of just before night fall where there are no shadows and no shade. Right before that point where the last remnants of the setting sun fades and takes color with it.

     Despite how hard it is to tell the day from the night, this enchantress grows tired at times and must sleep. I am getting used to having a room now, though it's a bit scary. It's such a large prize to win, at times I fear it will be taken away again. But on this day, Zim was nice enough to walk me home. That's nice of him because sometimes between the entrance to Newbie Land and the Grape Post there are murderers waiting for innocent, young women like me to run by. I'm pretty fast, and though they chase after me, I have learned to get to a safe place rather quickly.

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