Is it a dream or a horrible spell that
sends me into an alternate universe? It looks a lot like the Jerrath
I know and love, but there are slight differences. In this strange
alternate Jerrath world called Beta I am known as The Evil. It's a
horrible place where I kill my friends like Shallindra and Roo,
multiple times. It's an odd world where I'm more powerful than Skitz
-but still nicer.
It's strange. Shallindra is a cleric,
but here in this strange alternate Beta she looks like a little
warrior boy. Roo is really Ruthie in the real world. She doesn't look
any different at all.
I woke up to find I had fallen asleep
while studying. Perhaps I should take it easy on the magic for
awhile? Nah, that's no way to get more powerful. I am on the road to
be the greatest enchantress in all of Jerrath. I must work hard and
study diligently to achieve success in my goals.
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