
Monday, April 28, 2003

Jerrath: April 28

     Almost every day in the land of Jerrath is a strange day. I was just walking around, minding my own business when I heard a nasty rumor that Speedy was stuck in the Chaos Factor's clan house jail. I was greatly worried about my friend. I had heard that Chaos Factor and Yelia Fencer Clan were allies. By the time I got to Wayreth to check things out, it'd gotten worse. Daring Devil had tried to bust his boss out of jail and was caught himself by the lizard Sharek. Being the herpetologist I am, I'm on good terms with most the lizards of Chaos Factor. I saw Sharek outside the clan house and he allowed me to follow him inside. However, once inside I decided not to go straight to jail. I ran to Skitz room instead to see if he could help. He was not home. I tried Puppy, then all the other rooms, but it seemed that all the clan was out somewhere. . . all but Sharek who should never have eaten the purple mushrooms. Someone should warn him about those.

     Sharek and I sat down for some tea to discuss the release of DD and Speedy. After awhile he asked if I wanted to see some secret tunnels. He was acting friendly enough so I didn't think there would be harm. I was wandering around, lost in the tunnels when I suddenly found myself in the jail. DD and Speedy had already been released due to my good charms. It seems I should have charm my own safe release out of Sharek too.

     Speedy and DD gathered a mob outside the Chaos Factor clan house -they should name those things cool estate names. The mob that had gathered was no match for the mad, mushroom-eating, lizard Sharek. He stepped out to laugh at them, but did come to let me out after awhile. DD and I followed Speedy to his place and later Sharek showed up as well. DD and I trapped him between us in the garden. He pulled some quick, lizard climbing move and got away. Later we all went for drinks at the Sleepy Eye in Menath where Sharek was killed by a PK Avenger.

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