
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First Impression: Cabal

I realize if I’m playing a game for a week, and you don’t hear from me for a whole week until the review is written that might get a little boring. So I’ll tell you my first impression of Cabal and show you a screen shot of a character.

At first I was a little unsure. I was afraid the camera would run me off the game before the week was over. After a day or so I started getting used to how the camera works though and took a little in-game quest that told me how to change my camera settings to find the one that was best for me.

So far the community seems alright. Like any game it has it’s share of good players and bad players. I think I’ve actually run across more helpful people than jerks though, so that’s good. Not everyone is that friendly, people don’t often take time to stop and talk, or even ask you to party if you’re all hunting the same things, but they also don’t get in your way either. Faetal and I have made more friends than enemies though, so I’d still say it’s a good community.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back to Reviews

I originally created this blog to be a place for me to post reviews for different free MMOs I tried. About the time I decided to make this blog I also found a game home to stay put in and scrapped this idea. But now I find I want to come back to it. My goal is to play a different free MMO each week and post a review letting everyone know what I thought of the game.

In between all that I might still use this blog as a place to make note of fun little things that happen in my adventures in gaming.

This coming week I’ll be playing Cabal Online, next weekend I’ll be posting a review on the game.

I’ll still be playing Puzzle Pirates and posting in my pirate log at the same time.