
Monday, April 28, 2003

Jerrath: April 28

     Almost every day in the land of Jerrath is a strange day. I was just walking around, minding my own business when I heard a nasty rumor that Speedy was stuck in the Chaos Factor's clan house jail. I was greatly worried about my friend. I had heard that Chaos Factor and Yelia Fencer Clan were allies. By the time I got to Wayreth to check things out, it'd gotten worse. Daring Devil had tried to bust his boss out of jail and was caught himself by the lizard Sharek. Being the herpetologist I am, I'm on good terms with most the lizards of Chaos Factor. I saw Sharek outside the clan house and he allowed me to follow him inside. However, once inside I decided not to go straight to jail. I ran to Skitz room instead to see if he could help. He was not home. I tried Puppy, then all the other rooms, but it seemed that all the clan was out somewhere. . . all but Sharek who should never have eaten the purple mushrooms. Someone should warn him about those.

     Sharek and I sat down for some tea to discuss the release of DD and Speedy. After awhile he asked if I wanted to see some secret tunnels. He was acting friendly enough so I didn't think there would be harm. I was wandering around, lost in the tunnels when I suddenly found myself in the jail. DD and Speedy had already been released due to my good charms. It seems I should have charm my own safe release out of Sharek too.

     Speedy and DD gathered a mob outside the Chaos Factor clan house -they should name those things cool estate names. The mob that had gathered was no match for the mad, mushroom-eating, lizard Sharek. He stepped out to laugh at them, but did come to let me out after awhile. DD and I followed Speedy to his place and later Sharek showed up as well. DD and I trapped him between us in the garden. He pulled some quick, lizard climbing move and got away. Later we all went for drinks at the Sleepy Eye in Menath where Sharek was killed by a PK Avenger.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Jerrath: April 26

     Nothing out of the ordinary has been happening, and therefore I've been forgetting to write in my journal. I've been really busy training really hard. Things happen however. I have met most the lizards of the clan of Chaos Factor. Not a single one of them seems to mind me laying claim to them. I've made other friends I haven't mentioned yet as well. I spend all my time either training or hanging out with friends.

     I was very close to becoming a herpetologist and getting myself into the Chaos Factor to study all my pet lizards. I thought long and hard about it, but have decided instead to follow Speedy. Speedy says it's stalking, but I say it's not. I'm just following around my mentor trying to learn from him.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Jerrath: April 17

     I started to have that strange dream again, only this time the world of Jerrath Beta was empty of all others. I looked and looked and couldn't find a single person. I decided to spend time by myself to work on my own skills and practice my spells to improve myself as an enchantress.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Jerrath: April 16

     Tonight in my dream of the alternate world of Jerrath known as Beta, I invited a couple of friends over to my room. I train in this strange place as well. It's odd that in my dream I started back as low rate enchantress. I'm back up to the ranks of Shaman and wearing my blue shaman gear. This dream of mine is filled with strange sounds and music. I think I hear music almost anywhere I go.

     After those two friends left, the strangely weak and human alternate form of Skitz stopped by to say hi. In this dream I'm a bit more evil than I am on in the real world. I trapped him on the platform of my room when he was looking around. It seems he either can't swim, or is scared of water. He wouldn't just jump down to get away. Strange, but the water around that part isn't all that deep.

     Booty stopped by to see what was going on and she too ended up trapped. That was a mistake, I only wanted to keep the boy, not the chocobo. Though I hear fried chocobo is rather tasty. Yum!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Jerrath: April 15

     I had that dream again. It was really strange. This time I met the dragon gods of Jerrath. They don't seem all that different. I met that strange white dragon that I'd heard about, but he didn't do anything strange or odd to me, not even after I tied his tail in a knot.

     The other dragon, the black dragon god of Jerrath, however did do things to affect me. In this strange dream he kept trying to end my life forever with a strange spell called Ban.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Jerrath: April 14

     Is it a dream or a horrible spell that sends me into an alternate universe? It looks a lot like the Jerrath I know and love, but there are slight differences. In this strange alternate Jerrath world called Beta I am known as The Evil. It's a horrible place where I kill my friends like Shallindra and Roo, multiple times. It's an odd world where I'm more powerful than Skitz -but still nicer.

     It's strange. Shallindra is a cleric, but here in this strange alternate Beta she looks like a little warrior boy. Roo is really Ruthie in the real world. She doesn't look any different at all.

     I woke up to find I had fallen asleep while studying. Perhaps I should take it easy on the magic for awhile? Nah, that's no way to get more powerful. I am on the road to be the greatest enchantress in all of Jerrath. I must work hard and study diligently to achieve success in my goals.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Jerrath: April 13

     Today was a day like any other. Well maybe a little quiet compared to the kind of day I'd had on the 10th. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today, but then again almost everything is out of the ordinary in Jerrath. I mean it is the world of endless twilight where the sun never set, nor rises. We're stuck forever in a state of just before night fall where there are no shadows and no shade. Right before that point where the last remnants of the setting sun fades and takes color with it.

     Despite how hard it is to tell the day from the night, this enchantress grows tired at times and must sleep. I am getting used to having a room now, though it's a bit scary. It's such a large prize to win, at times I fear it will be taken away again. But on this day, Zim was nice enough to walk me home. That's nice of him because sometimes between the entrance to Newbie Land and the Grape Post there are murderers waiting for innocent, young women like me to run by. I'm pretty fast, and though they chase after me, I have learned to get to a safe place rather quickly.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Jerrath: April 12

     Again today I spent some time training and then went to a trivia. I sure do love those trivia games. Today was a bit different than normal. I was asked to assist Zim in letting people out from behind the counter. I had a bit of a headache this day, but still managed to answer some questions. I got one right, then went for a double or nothing. Then I went for another double or nothing right after that. So after answering three questions in a row correctly, I won a room.Woo hoo! Well, I didn't win it to keep it. I just get to stay there rent free. I wonder if that was the first month only? I might find myself being kicked out by the real owner next month. hmm. Then it'd be back to "sleeping on the ground under bug carcass." Heh, quote from Drexle.

the won room

     After all that, I went back to the campfire to sit and speak to my old friends. I guess I am so used to sleeping out at the campfire and sitting on the ground it will take awhile to get used to having a room. I like to be surrounded by friends at all time. It makes me feel warm and happy. So I'll go to where my friends are when they won't come to me. Hmm, maybe I should show them my room so they will come to me. Though my studies as an enchantress and my hobbies as an herpetologist do keep me pretty busy out and about in Jerrath.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Jerrath: April 11

     Today I decided to venture even further than I had the day before. I decided to go to a place called Yelia. I'd been to the badlands before, but ever crossed the bridge guarded by the cougar. I love cats, but that one seems to want to eat me. A man named Moses helped me though and showed me the way through the desert. I was trying to find Delenok, however he was not where I'd thought he'd be. After the door in Nende got locked, he decided he'd pick fights with desert ninjas.

     I left Yelia to try and find my own way back through the Desert of Despair. However I got lost and happened upon a dried mud pit after walking around the hot desert for a long while. I was very tired after being lost, so I decided to hunt mud golems for awhile. They kept saying they were going to make mud pies of me, but instead they'd die and I'd pick up the remains, which are high in iron oar.

     Another day, another trivia. This time I was sitting with my friend Drexle. He's a cool kid. He's got really bad luck though. I'm not sure who the others at my table were, but I did get my favorite seat at my favorite table again. I like to sit in the same spot every time. I have my favorite desk at the Trivia House too. Only average at this time I win about one or two questions every trivia. I'm working really hard to be able to answer faster however and to expand my limited knowledge so that I might know more answers.

     After trivia I met up with my sister Ciara and we began to train together. She is working hard to catch up to me and I'm afraid that one day she'll surpass me. She is a hard worker and trains hard and fast. I had thought I was a fast learner, but she's quicker than I am, I'll admit it.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Jerrath: April 10

     Standing outside Newbie Tower talking to my good friend Skitz. At this moment in my Jerrath history he is my only friend other than Ciara and Ruthie. Ciara of course is my sister, so I grew up with her. But in this strange new land we've come across it's hard to make lasting friendships. It's odd that the first person to befriend me is someone who scared the crap out of me the first time I saw him. But how is a sweet innocent girl supposed to react when she sees a large red lizard with a huge sword? When he followed me out of the trivia house, I thought he wanted to eat me.

     I had spent a lot of time held up in a strange place called Newbie Land. I'm not sure why it was called that, I think some great person named Newbie must have done great things there. Maybe he or she used to live in that old tower, which is why it's called Newbie Tower? Perhaps I'll ask one day for the history of these locations.

     Though by the time I started this journal I had made a friend I met in Newbie Land. His name is Delenok. Next to the big red lizard, he's my only friend here, as of this time. I might make more later.

     This is a truly strange place, this world called Jerrath. My big red lizard friend said he was jumped by a white dragon that forced him to dress like a stripper. It's amazing how well a red male lizard can look like a human female playboy bunny. I heard a rumor that other lizard men had faced the same strange fate. This legendary, magical white dragon must really be something to fear. I'll remember to run when I see him. Skitz seemed tired after his ordeal with the white dragon, so he went back to his clan house for some rest.

     I then decided to hang out with my other friend Delenok. He took me to a place I've never been before. To Nende. But then this is the first time I've been away from Newbie Land. I've grown comfortable with Newbie Land and my occasional trip to Wayreth to sell things. I sleep at the campfire and don't venture out. There are murderers, thief, and cutthroats out there. Not to mention white dragons.

Del and I spent a great deal of the day training in a place we later guessed we were not supposed to be. The door was unlocked when we found it though, he didn't break it. Del is a nice guy. He's the sword swinging type, and for some reason he thinks my meager magic does some good. I just smile and nod. He does most the work, but I enjoy the company more than the hunting.

     When I'm not training or sitting around with friends I like to go to trivias. I don't keep an account of every trivia I go to, because I go whenever I know one is being held. In fact it's at a trivia I met my red lizard friend, Skitz. Trivia is often held at the Grape Post. Strange name for a place. Some guy named Roland stole a sign, but no one ever seems to be able to find this Roland or the missing sign. I do love a good mystery.

     Speaking of mysteries. At trivia I was sitting at a table with Spectral Cat -strange name- who earlier was suck on a roof top. We had gone to an event the day before where we watched people killing chocobos in a strange race. At the end of this event The Powers That Be warped us all back to Wayreth. Cat got warped onto a roof top, and didn't seem to know how to get herself down. Alls well that ends well I guess and she doesn't seem that upset about the whole thing.

     Also this day, while hunting with Delanok, I gain so much experience and practice it was time for me to move on to bigger things. I removed my Shaman gear and put on the gear of a Charlatan. Of course I don't like being called that, but it is the next rank in my job classification. And on this road to fame and fortune, I'll take the bad along with the good.

     After trivia on this day I was invited to enter the home of Booty. She had been the winner from the strange Kill the Chocobo game the day before. Booty rents an apartment at the Grape Post, so it wasn't far to walk. I didn't know any of these people all that well, but I like to make new friends so I entered. I sat across from a guy called Speedy whom I'd met while guarding The Tree. We all sat around and talked, having a nice time of socializing. Unfortunately, Booty didn't have enough chairs for everyone. But I hear she ordered a larger table that's on it's way, so next time all her friends can sit down.

     It's been a long day so far, but it's not over yet. I'm getting the idea that I should get out of Newbie Land more often now. I was invited to a party by a large spider. I'd heard stories of this spider and he's supposed to be all scary and powerful. I've heard he's one of the most powerful mages, so naturally I was eager to meet him despite the danger. Anything for the chance to poke the brain of a higher lv magic user.

     I met up with a snake called Puppetmaster. I'd heard of this one too, because he was friends with Skitz. Funny, but I'd always pictured him as a lizard as well. I was surprised to see he was a snake. Puppet and I followed Mr. Pickles back to the OM clan house, where the party was supposed to be held. There was only one other person there however -a cute devil boy- which gave me the impression it could be a trap. I am an enchantress, so I just turned the charm up a notch.

     Mr. Pickles had to step away, and Puppet insisted that we run around the clan house to take a look. I tried to tell him it was a bad idea. But he just wouldn't listen. . . Well okay, it was all my idea. So we started with Mr. Pickles' lab. I knew where it was from following Mr. Pickles around upon first arriving. While in the lab, Puppet decided it was time to molt and left his old skin on Mr. Pickles' desk. I sure hope I don't get any blame for that.