
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

FFXIV: Beach Party Crashing [Jhak]

I was out exploring. Well, okay exploring is a strong word. I got a little lost, but I found a little town on the beach so it's all good. Still no word yet about my captain and I'm a little weary to just ask so all I can do is keep my ears open. While on the beach I saw a little lalafell dude guiding around a cute Miqo'te girl. There were strange fully armored types watching them so I decided to see what was going on. Maybe stick my nose where it doesn't belong as they say. Turns out it was no big deal. They were her bodyguards. She denied having bodyguards and being rich. I don't know much about Miqo'te, but isn't it a little odd for her to have been the only one there? Aren't they big on family? Li always seemed to be missing his.

I tried to go say hi to the girl, but some dude stuck his lanc in my face. Totally uncool. Her 'not bodyguards' really need to chill. I was unarmed and only wearing shorts, I doubt I could have looked like a threat. Dude was out in leather anyway. Not only was he gonna burn, but he was ruining his leather.

I'm still not entirely sure they were truly on vacation. The girl and her lalafell dude looked like they were, but they didn't bring, food, drinks, or sun lotion and had a contingent of armed bodyguards. The girl was pretty though, so I played along and joined in their vacation outing. I took over the guiding of her while the little dude dehydrated himself more with alcohol.

We'd been out there awhile, sitting in the water and hunting shells. I could feel the sun getting meaner on my shoulders and my skin getting a little tight. While she carried her strange creature she found back to shore, I ducked under the water to cool off. I then suggested we reapply our lotion, but she didn't bring any. She set her little coblyn larva back down that she found and I made her go back to the town with me for food and drinks. She has no idea how harmful all that sun can be and she'll be feeling it hardcore tomorrow when she can barely move and is burnt to a crisp. The burn takes a bit to set in, you never know how bad you overdid it until it's too late.

I ordered her some of my favorite foods and some water. Without thinking I didn't order only finger foods, I should have stuck to things easy to pick up for her. I realized I was going to be missed if I didn't find my way back to the city, so I bid her a good night, took my shrimp and left. I wonder if I'll ever see her again?

Ships in the night I suppose? Raimy always says that if you want something, go for it. Now maybe I need to learn to be a fisherman so I can tell the story of the one that got away?   

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