
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Black Rose: A New Guild

Kherah had been lonely for some time in her old guild, as she never saw any of her guildmates anymore. So when she met a man called Loboguara in Nezebgrad that wanted to gather together a band of like minded people, she decided to join up. Loboguara immediately set out to find enough people to create the guild, as empire laws state that a guild needs at least six founding members. The people were gathered and then together they went to Yasker's Tower where they could create the guild.

Kherah had made a comment about Loboguara becoming the guild leader to which he'd responded he was faltered and another guild member pointed out that it was he who had gathered them and thus he'd already shown his leadership skills. Kherah, the orc Krimdash, the Xadaganian Emptymind, and the Arisens Retrobution and Larista all became officers in the new guild which they called Black Rose.

Speeches were made, starting of course with the new leader of Black Rose, Loboguara. He made a nice little speech about standing together and that if they stood together even in the face of uncertain defeat they wold rise above it victorious.
Part of Lobo's Speech

Guild Officer Larista gave her speech next, "As our members gathered for the first time, led by nothing but fate, we had a vision of a black rose blooming. We knew at that moment that it was our destiny to carry out the empire's will and spread the seeds of our culture."
Larista gives a speech

The next to give a speech was the orc Krimdash. He surprised everyone with his sudden ability to articulate.

"Brothers, sisters, fellow tribesmen, and killbuddies,

Destiny has called upon us to leave the world a better place than we found it. With destiny as our compass my right hand as our weapon and the willing to do right as our. . . something, The Black Rose will lead this world to glory and together, unite as one rose with sharp spikes. We will gain glory. Destiny has called us! The time has come. Long live the Black Rose! My life for the Rose!"

Kherah had no time to give her own speech and could not remain to hear any other speeches that might have been given by her new guild mates and friends. He had received a message that her mother needed to see her and rushed off to do family duties.

1 comment:

  1. Good one !!!
    lovely lovely lovely !!
    no words i can say xD
    really, you know how to describe your feelings at that moment ^^
