
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Allods: New Eibwen

My obsession with creating new characters continues. I'm already out of slots on Allods, but that doesn't stop me from constantly deleting older ones to make newer characters. This time I deleted the elf Eibwen and remade her as a human warden. I don't have any wardens so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I picked a bright reddish color for her animal companion and named her Ginger. So then to match I gave Eibwen a similar hair color for her new persona. Eibwen loves nature and sun. She took a little time out to go swimming, thinking the day was just right for it. Even Ginger hopped in the water.
Eibwen swimming

She then got back to business and started doing the many tasks that were put before her by others. She never stops to question them, she just does as she's told and trusts that her superiors are on the side of light. Wasn't long before she left the allod though to stop over on a much smaller allod where she waited for the ship to take her home to Kania.
Eibwen floating in a bubble

She had a little trouble on the ship heading back to Kania. About the time she reached the lookout fort she noticed the little jump pad that got her onto the ship was active and she thought she was there, so she jumped. . . right onto the ship heading back to the small allod she'd just left. So she had to wait even longer and the second time she didn't jump until she saw the port at Kania.
Eibwen on the astral ship

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