
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Allods: Greed And Charity

Moonbelt had asked Kherah to help him and his lady love collect enough animal parts to buy a new bag. Kherah had not done that task either however so when she joined the large group of hunters she collected the parts for herself like a greedy little Arisen rather than giving them to Moonbelt. Now Kherah has a new bag and can go back to help her guild mates in the future.

Over on Kania Eibwen stopped to wonder what the little family of gibberlings had done to be put in the corner. She did not ask the trouble makers though.

gibberlings in a corner

Eibwen and Ginger went to hunt bees, but Ginger got a little too enthusiastic about her task. She held those bees down and ripped their wings off.

Ginger on top of a bee

Eibwen found herself a guild. It's a new guild that only has people below level twenty in it, but they seem fun enough. There was a lot of fun conversation, but it's not a role playing guild so all the topics were out of character. One such funny conversation involved a guy asking to date me. I told him I was thirty-three, so someone else told him to ask me to marry him instead. Fun conversation, but he's right to only look toward other gamers for courtship. Non-gamers will never understand your need to game.

Part of the gamer marriage conversation

Back in character and over on the Empire side, Kherah heard her guild sister, Reshtar say she was with a group trying to fight the zombie boss. She decided to go and try to help, but arrived at the boss from the opposite side of the ravine. There was another more experienced player there as well so the fight was won without any casualties to the newbs.

Kherah waving to Reshtar and her group

Reshtar was just shy of her fourteenth level and was running out of quests in the Igsh area. So I suggest we go do the rep quest until she got maxed rep or leveled. She did both. We told the others in the raid we were leaving and they were sad to see me go, since I killed everything so fast, but they were all kind. Reshtar thanked them for the fellowship and I got a real kick out of that. That sentiment appeals to my heart on so many levels.

rep raid

Our two favorite Arisen ladies ended the night with a trip to the ZIT Headquarters. While there they told funny stories of times they'd hallucinated seeing each other run off the side of the allod. That happens every so often, or you see people run up the side of a building, across it, then down on the other side. The day before Kherah saw Lobo take off through the ogres and she took off to follow him, but he was yelling for her not to go that way and she thought that was strange. Even stranger when she saw him run off the edge of the allod, so she stopped and backed away from the ogres to find Lobo had really been running after her. The conversation started when Reshtar rushed after the image of Kherah until she saw Kherah run off the edge of the allod, but Kherah was behind her. Then to be funny, Kherah really did run off the edge of the allod, but in an area where she knew there was something to land on. Only way back up is with the adventure's stone.

Kherah safe but over the edge of the allod

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