
Monday, June 9, 2003

Jerrath: June 9

     Today I decided to go to the campfire. I like to hang out there often, it's a nice place. I used to sleep there and sometimes staying up late with my friends I get too tired to walk all the way home and just sleep there again. Polter came by and had some marshmallows. He made the mistake of running back to the inn for something and when he came back his roasted marshmallows had melted in the fire and fell off the sticks. Really, that's what happened.

     Krisline showed up and also had a seat on the bench with me and Polter. He thought he'd died and gone to maguis heaven. He had an enchantress sitting on either side of him. Adahn showed up as well. So that made the numbers even. We were just having fun picking on each other and then Polter had to run off. Krisline was picking on Adahn, saying he was hers. She kept saying she was going to take him away to her dungeon and torture him endlessly. We ran back to the inn and I had Adahn sit in the corner, so Kris had to go through me to get to him. He picked on her then saying she should act as our barmaid. She got upset and left, but soon came back. We might pick on each other ruthlessly, but we're still all friends.

     There was a team gladiator held today. I knew I'd die quickly if I tried. My son, Revolution and my old friend Skitz tried to get me to join their team, but I didn't want to drag them down. If they had to concentrate on protecting me, they wouldn't be able to fight their best. Stealer and Master Thief wanted to join. They were at the inn trying to get people to join their team, but none would. There was a little shaman enchantress -Gelteroit- there and I convinced her to join their team since she wanted to go to the event as well. I tried to find a fourth member for them, but could not. Finally they talked me into joining as their fourth member. I knew I'd fall quickly, but I figured it would be fun anyway.

     My team went last, so I got to watch Skitz and Rev's team win. My son is so big and strong, it won't be long before he's even stronger than his father. I'm so proud of him. A mother couldn't ask for a better child.

     Piggy was on the other team and killed me as soon as the gladiator started. I knew he would. When you are defeated in the gladiator a magical spell takes you back to the inn. I was sad that I didn't get to watch my team fight. I hear Stealer and Master Thief held their own for some time. The other team knew it's tactics though and took us enchantresses out first knowing we are the deadliest with our ranged magical attacks. But I was right from the beginning. I was the first to fall, fell before I saw anyone do anything, but it was fun anyway.

     After that even the white dragon Magic Dude warped me to a cage in the forest. The one near the big sign that says, 'Do Not Go In'. He warped Speedy there as well and then Draub. I was worried. I was trapped in a dangerous place where people would kill me and there wasn't the magical protection there is in an arena. Magic Dude also warped Skitz there and I thought I was dead for sure, but Draub jumped in the way of Skitz's blade protecting me with his life. My magic is not strong enough to defend myself against someone like Skitz. Draub quickly healed and returned for his gear he'd dropped. Upon doing this he opened the cage door and I was able to run away.

     I ran to Lake Quintal, it's a good lake and a nice place to sit and think. Only I didn't feel like just sitting today. Instead I went for a swim. No one would join me, but for some reason they gathered to watch me. Hasn't anyone ever seen an enchantress swimming before?
The Dragon Gods put me in the water, I was trapped and couldn't get out.

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